We are the fastest food production company from bench to menu.
Just because others haven’t,
or some can’t, doesn’t mean we will not.
Our ability to achieve some of the fastest results, taking recipes from bench to menu, stems from our innate creativity. You see, we covet the pursuit of originality via imagination and strongly believe that there is opportunity everywhere.
We recognize one of the biggest problems NPD teams struggle with is ensuring that a product initially conceived, tastes the same after it’s produced at scale.
Our skill lies in taking a recipe, creating the best process required to make it, and never lose sight of what it is supposed to look, feel and taste like.
Our experience has shown that perseverance and determination are key to achieving the desired result.

How are we the fastest?
A big part of our success is our own favourite recipe of:
the right people,
the right skills,
the right attitude
making your
We also
- Allocate time for trials
- Focus a lot on the processing and equipment set-up
- Reconfigure equipment for changes in recipe
- Overlay practical experience onto more ‘theoretical’ recipes to enable successful scale up
- Create feedback loops with the people
who eat the product to test and learn